30 Days Page 4
“You okay?” I whispered in her ear once I was all the way in.
“Yeah, just give me a minute.”
In that moment, I would have given her anything she asked for. A minute to get adjusted seemed like no big deal, even though it was torture because she was so goddamned tight, all I wanted to do was to move.
As I felt her relax, I started moving lazily inside her, keeping my thrusts shallow until she demanded more. Just hearing her spur me on made me pick up speed, but at the same time, I wanted it to last. To be able to enjoy this moment because I doubted either of us would remember much come morning.
I flipped us over and pushed myself to a seated position against my headboard. This caused me to go even deeper inside her and I cursed myself for thinking that this position would make me last longer.
“What are you doing?” she asked and a flash of vulnerability caught her eyes.
“I’m letting you be in charge.”
I encouraged her by helping her move up and down, her ass filling up my palms perfectly. Eventually, she got the hang of it and started moving in her own pace.
Fuck, she had never been as beautiful as she was riding me in that moment and I couldn’t stop watching her as she grew more confident.
I latched onto one of her nipples and squeezed her other one with my hand. I could feel myself getting close, but I’d be damned if she wasn’t going to come before I did.
“That feels so good,” she said in a breathless whisper so quietly I wasn’t sure if she meant for me to hear her.
“I need you to come for me, babe,” I urged and bit down gently on her nipple while I slipped one hand between us to play with her clit.
That earned me a moan from her as she started moving faster and her movements became jerky. All it took was another small nibble on her neck and I could feel her pussy squeeze my cock in a vise grip, sending me over the edge mere seconds after her.
I nestled between her tits, trying to calm down, but if anything, her scent made me ready to go again. I was sure she could feel me twitch inside her, but she never said anything.
Instead, she got off me and flopped down on the bed next to me. It took a while for me to process what had just happened, but I felt a giant ass smile spread across my face as I looked over at her.
“Oh, gosh, I can’t believe we just did that,” she said, tits looking amazing as she panted.
“Mm, but it was so fucking worth it, though,” I answered and pulled her in for one last kiss before I got out of the bed to deal with the condom.
By the time I made it back to the bed, she was passed out and there was no way I was going to wake her.
No way.
I had her exactly where she belonged and I was going to take advantage of it by crawling in next to her.
Well worth it.
DAY 11
I’M WARM… MY head hurts… I can’t breathe and my lady parts burns like hell.
I slowly opened my eyes, but was met with a sharp pain and an insanely bright light so I closed them again.
As I snuggled further into the pillow and thick comforter, I realized I wasn’t in my own bed. My bed wasn’t this comfortable. So I snapped my eyes back open, ignoring the pain as the bright light offended my poor eyes.
I looked around the room and bits and pieces of the night before flashed into my mind. I was in Collin’s room, and it was Collin’s arm around my waist that made it hard to breath. I had sex last night.
God, I’m such a whore!
I wanted to cry. I had broken all my rules last night, everything I stood for had just flown out the window and I didn’t even know why. I mean, I had wanted him. That fact was true, but I had never planned to act on it.
I slowly sat up, feeling my head pound just as much as my vagina did. I had only had sex once before and it was a while ago, so I was bound to be sore after last night.
I looked over at Collin who was lying on his stomach, facing me. He had a slight pout on his face and his hair was messy.
I felt an ache in my chest. The boy was gorgeous and not just that, when he let you see it, he was also sweet.
I was falling, and that was just as bad as sleeping with him last night.
I gently removed his arm around my waist and got up from the bed in search for my clothes. They were scattered all over the floor, but I managed to find everything except my bra. He could keep it.
I left him sleeping and shut his bedroom door behind me.
“Ah, the beauty of walk of shame,” Jackson said in an amused tone as I walked inside our house.
He was lying on the couch in the living room, watching some lame TV-show.
His words caused the tears I had tried to hold back to flow down my cheeks. I didn’t know why I cried. Maybe because I was so freaking lost.
“Jackson, stop,” I whined. “Please stop.”
He noticed my shaky voice and looked up at me.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, opening up his arms for me.
I didn’t hesitate before I threw myself into his open arms, hugging him. Jackson had always brought a calm and always listened to whatever I said. Even though we often got into fights, I loved him.
“I slept with him,” I mumbled in the crook of his neck, the silent tears continuing rolling down my cheeks. I hadn’t cried in ages, but it felt good to let them out.
“Who?” he asked, stroking my back and I loved him just a little more for not judging.
“Collin Jacobs,” I whispered.
“Was it bad?”
“No, it was kind of perfect actually.”
“Then why the tears?”
“I shouldn’t have done it. I don’t even know him and I feel like such a whore!”
“Not every guy is like James, Belly.” Jackson sighed. “Even though I’m not fond of drunken fucks, maybe this could lead to something good, you know? Maybe it’s time you let the past go.”
“I can’t,” I whispered quietly.
“I’ll be here forever. It doesn’t matter if there’s a guy or not, I’ll still be here for you.”
I let him comfort me as I recalled the evening – the meeting with James, the drinking and my spontaneous move with Collin. I left out the details, but I told him most of it and he never once judged me.
“God, I’m so hung over.” I chuckled after a while. I had stopped crying halfway into my story and I could feel my head pound even worse than before.
“Are you skipping the game?” he asked and I shook my head. Not once had I let the team down and I wasn’t about to start now.
“It’ll probably feel good to let the anger out.”
“I feel sorry for the girls.” Jackson smirked.
“Are you coming with me?”
“Sure. I don’t have anything else to do anyway and Amanda is out shopping with her mom or something.”
I stuffed my body with Tylenols and lots of water. The ache between my legs faded into a dull sensation and my head was slow and felt a little mushy, but at least most of the pounding had gone away.
Aberdeen High won with three goals. Just like Jackson, I felt sorry for the girls on the other team because they were the ones who had to take my anger. On the field, I had never been the quiet little girl I once had been before James. It was the only place I could feel like I could be me. Even if I would rather had been home in my bed, buried underneath my covers.
Collin kept calling every once in a while during the day and I kept ignoring him. It wasn’t his fault, it was mine. I shouldn’t have slept with him last night, but he had felt so good and he had actually been perfect. I just couldn’t let it happen again and I needed to get Collin Jacobs out of my mind.
DAY 12
BELLA HAD BEEN ignoring my calls and texts all fucking day yesterday, and today started out the same way. Even though I knew we had gone too far Friday night with the sex, I hadn’t expected her to ignore me completely afterwards.
> Meet me at the field in 10 min?
It was my last try. If she didn’t answer or show up, I would have to wait until school. Besides, the field was her turf, so hopefully she would be more comfortable talking there.
I didn’t get a response, but I took my car and drove to the school’s soccer field anyway.
When I arrived, Bella was there, shooting balls into one of the goals. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she wore simple yoga pants and a hoodie. Yet, she was gorgeous as hell.
“You came,” I stated surprised, walking over to her.
“I was already here,” she said, shrugging and I could see a smile play on her lips. “I usually come here after having dinner with my dad at the diner.”
Just like she’d had last weekend. Maybe it was some kind of tradition.
“Can we talk?” I asked carefully.
“It depends. If you came for sex, then I’m not interested,” she said, continuing to shoot the balls that she had lined up. She was really good.
“I just told you I wanted to talk.” I smirked.
“Then talk,” she said, walking over to the goal to retrieve all the balls, only to line them back up again.
“Do you mind sitting down?”
She seemed reluctant, but she nodded her head and followed me back to the bleachers. She looked tired and worn out, so much unlike the Bella I usually saw in school. Maybe this weekend had taken its toll on her.
“Why did you leave?” I asked quietly.
“I didn’t want for things to get awkward and…” she trailed off, seeming to look for words. Then she quietly added, “I don’t know.”
“I didn’t want you to leave,” I admitted, angling my face to look at her.
We were sitting close together by now, leaning into each other and I could practically feel her breath on my face as she turned her face towards me.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because…” I furrowed my brows, searching for a good answer that wouldn’t totally embarrass me. I couldn’t find any. “I like you.”
With that, I closed the distance between our lips. Not forcefully, but soft and innocent. She didn’t pull away; instead she took me by surprise and started to hesitantly move her lips with mine.
“I don’t date,” she mumbled against my lips.
“I know.”
“And I refuse to be your little slut,” she whispered and that pulled me out of the daze.
“Why the fuck would you say something like that?” I asked, pulling back from her soft lips.
“Because that’s what I felt like when I woke up yesterday.”
That would explain why she had just left and my heart actually broke for the girl sitting next to me. She was anything but a slut.
“I don’t want a slut,” I finally said. “I want you.”
“I can’t be your girlfriend. I just can’t.”
At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to fuck up James for whatever he did to her because it must have been bad for her to act like this.
I needed to take things slow with her. Who knows, maybe before my thirty days were up, she would be my girlfriend, and I might just keep her after this whole shit was done. I didn’t know how to take things slow, though.
She didn’t want to date, but I wanted more than friends. Although, I didn’t want a fuck-buddy. Bella was so much more than that. Slow meant for not letting the whole school know about us, and we spent five days a week at that hell.
“How about friends with kissing-benefits on the weekends?” I asked, reaching out my hand for her to shake.
It seemed like a good deal. We wouldn’t be boyfriend and girlfriend and we wouldn’t be fuck-buddies either, yet we would be more than just friends. Besides, I liked to kiss her, and preferably every day, but this was baby-steps. On the weekends, she would be mine. Kind of.
“Friends with weekend’s kissing-benefits.” She smiled and shook my hands in agreement.
Lucky me, it’s still the weekend.
DAY 13
I was stupid for agreeing to be friends with kissing-benefits on the weekends with Collin. Now, all I could of was his lips.
In Math, it was the soft texture about them.
In English, it was the feel of his tongue.
In Art, it was the way I felt when he kissed my neck.
During lunch, it was his taste – a hint of cigarettes and spearmint mixed with his own flavor.
In Bio, it was the sensation he caused when he nibbled on my lower lip, which he seemed to like more than my top one.
In Gym, I got hit by a volleyball while thinking about how he sometimes took control, exploring my mouth while I let him do it.
Pathetic, huh?
I had yet to see him, though. It was probably a good thing because that boy had proved to fuck with my mind.
“So, you just left him?” Amanda asked, bringing me back to reality.
We were standing in the parking lot, waiting for Jackson. He had driven us both to school today because my car had refused to start up. I had just finished telling her about the party and what had happened.
“Yeah,” I whispered, remembering Collin’s words on how he’d wanted me to stay that morning.
“That’s just… rude.”
“I think he survived, Amanda. He’s a big boy.”
“His big, huh?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows.
“I’m so not discussing that!” I exclaimed. It was one thing to even tell her about the sex. Telling her about Collin’s size was just… wrong.
“Sorry for asking then,” she said, feigning hurt. “Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I’ll go see what’s taking Jackson so long.”
She was gone before I realized what she had said, and in her spot, Collin was now standing.
“Hello, Belly.” He smirked, standing next to me.
“Aww, Collie-kins. I thought I’d never see you today. Where have you been?” I teased.
“You missed me?” he asked jokingly.
“Nah, I missed your lips, though,” I said casually, only half joking.
“I bet, and lucky you, they’re available for you at any price… any day.”
“No, they’re not. Only on the weekends, and don’t expect me to pay for them.” I narrowed my eyes, but we were still mostly teasing.
“For you, I would sell them for free,” he whispered in my ear before he walked away with that big smirk that annoyed the crap out of me.
I hated it when he got the last word.
I just hoped he wasn’t getting used to it, because I would have my revenge some day.
DAY 14
”ARE YOU HERE to watch me play again?” Bella asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.
I was sitting on the bleachers, only this time I was sitting on the lowest row, to see her practice.
“Yeah, so shake your ass for me.” I smirked, waggling my eyebrows.
“You’re such a perv, Collin.”
She ran off after that since the coach blew the whistle.
I loved watching her play. Not just because the way her tits bounced, but also because the passion you could see in her face as she dribbled the ball across the field. It was something you rarely saw these days.
Besides, I had no desire to go home just yet. Since it was so close to graduation, the pressure about college was bigger than ever. I had applied to five different colleges and gotten in, but only one of those options was my own. The rest was my dad’s.
It was funny how it was me he was bugging so much and not Duncan. I mean, he was one year older and had to re-do his senior year of high school. It was he who needed the pushing.
Not me.
It fucking sucked, and I found myself wanting to talk to someone. And not just someone, but Bella. I had no idea why I felt that way, but somehow I felt like she was the only one who would understand. Other people would just scoff
and tell me to be happy to be able to go to any college in the world without having to think about either grades or money.
Bella understood me. At least she had the few times we had talked.
I decided then that I would talk to her more often.
“Do you wanna grab a cup of coffee or something?” I asked once she was done with the practice.
She looked hesitant before she answered, “I need to shower.”
“I’ll wait.”
“Um… okay, then. But only if you buy me dinner while we’re at it, and it’s not a date.”
“It’s not a date,” I confirmed, remembering that I needed to go slow with this girl. “And I’ll buy you something to eat.”
Just like I said, I was waiting for her to finish showering. When she was done, she was talking to Jackson on the phone. It sounded like she was explaining that he didn’t need to pick her up.
I took us to the local diner, ordering a burger with fries for Bella and some coffee for me.
“So, are you going to tell me what happened with James?” I asked carefully after a while of chit-chat, grabbing a fry from her plate.
She shot me a look as she watched me eat the stolen fry, but dropped it.
“Why do you want to know so damn badly?” she asked glumly.
“Because I’m a curious fuck,” I told her honestly.
“That you are,” she mumbled under her breath. “He was an asshole and I was a naïve fifteen-year-old girl who believed that every guy who said more than hello was in love with me.”
I could tell by her tone that she was done discussing it for this time. Her answer just got me more curious, though.
“My dad wants me to become a doctor,” I told her, hoping that sharing my secrets would get her to open up more to me one day.
She looked up in surprise, swallowing her bite of burger before she asked, “And you don’t?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Not really. I mean, it’s not my first choice.”
“What is?”
Bella was the only one who knew this. I hadn’t told anyone. Sure, people, including my parents, knew that music was a big part of my life, but no one except Bella knew that I wanted to make a career out of it.