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  “Pass,” she muttered.

  No such luck.

  “Okay, why did you even date him in the first place?”


  “You can’t use pass more than one time,” I pointed out.

  “I can use pass how many times I like. You never told me any rules. So, pass.”

  Fucking… shit.

  “Fine then. What the hell is so bad about checking your blood type?”

  “Because I don’t like sticking myself with needles, nor do I like to bleed,” she answered, continuing to sketch. “Now, the famous ladies man. Do you sleep with the girls to get attention, or because you really like them?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t call me that,” I answered, cringing. I preferred Collie-kins to that. “I like the sex.”


  Okay, it was time to play the same game as her. If she wanted to bring up the sex, then sex it was. Besides, it might help me solve the fucking mystery about what happened between her and James.

  “Are you a virgin?” I asked.

  She looked up at me with a sad and pained expression. It was only the second time ever that I had seen her looking vulnerable. It wasn’t a common expression on Bella’s face.

  “No… I’m not,” she finally answered before going back to sketching. “Why didn’t you want me to call you a ladies man?”

  “Because it makes me sound like a fucking whore. And I’m not.”

  “It depends on what you count as a whore,” she said. “If you count having had sex with more than five people as being a whore, then in your eyes, you would be.”

  “Yeah, well, then I’m not a whore,” I said, mostly to myself, but she heard me anyway. “So, how many people have you slept with then?”

  Once again, the vulnerable expression was back, but to my surprise, she didn’t say pass.

  “One,” she murmured.


  DAY 8


  ”BELLA, COULD YOU please come here for a second?” Amanda called as I walked by Jackson’s room.

  Today was one of those days she spent with Jackson. I didn’t mind since I was about to go out for a run, but they were in his room and that made me hesitant to go in.

  “Only if you promise you have clothes on!” I said, stopping outside the door.

  “Of course, silly,” she answered.

  No, it wasn’t of course. I had once walked in on them while doing something I would rather not have seen. The image of Amanda on top of Jackson was still burnt into my mind no matter how hard I tried to get rid of it. That was enough for me to vomit.

  I carefully opened the door, but just like she had promised, they were fully dressed, sitting on Jackson’s bed with his laptop.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re going out for a run?” Jackson asked, looking over my black running tights, soccer shirt and a hoodie.

  “Yes. So, Amanda, what did you want?” I asked, fixing my iPod.

  “Oh, you need to come with us to the party on Friday.” She smiled excitedly.

  “What party?” For once, I had no idea about a party, but then again, I didn’t really care.

  “The one at the Jacobs’.”

  “Okay. I’m not going,” I answered, turning back and started walking out of the room.

  “Please! You have to! I’ve never seen the inside of that house and it’s weird to go when you don’t know the person throwing the party.”

  “Amanda, you’ve gone to a thousand parties without knowing the person.”

  “Well, this is not the same. Please, Bella. You know Collin, and you need to go out more often. Remember how we discussed the benefits in getting laid?”

  “Baby, you promised not to bring that up again!” Jackson yelled, covering his ears.

  I ignored him and so did Amanda.

  “I can’t go anyway. I have practice on Friday afternoons and we have a game on Saturday.”

  “Your practice ends early enough for you to be able to go home and change and your game isn’t until the afternoon. Stop making excuses and for once be there for me at a party! It’s only a little over a month until we’re out of here and you haven’t been to any parties this year.”

  She was right. I would have said no anyway, though, if it hadn’t been for the damn puppy eyes and pout. Not to mention the curiosity to see the Jacobs’ house from the inside and for once be on Collin’s territory. There was something appealing about that fact.

  “Fine, but you so owe me for this and I won’t stay long!” I exclaimed defeated and left the room.

  It felt good to run. The burning in my legs as I pushed my body to the limits, the drizzling rain and the music playing in my ears. I loved it.

  As I started my way back home, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I frowned in confusion because nobody really called me on my run unless it was an emergency. I stopped and tried to catch my breath before I pulled it out. I didn’t recognize the number, but I had my guesses.

  “Hello?” I panted into the phone.

  ”What the fuck are you doing?” he asked in an amused voice.

  Collin. Who would have guessed?

  Yesterday, I had told him too much. Only Jackson, my dad and Amanda, along with a few more people knew that much about me and James. Somehow, though, I found myself telling him anyway. It was some kind of weird pull. He seemed to understand, and even though he really was a curious creature, he had let it go once I’d told him to stop.

  “Running,” I panted, still trying to catch my breath. “You were kind of interrupting.”

  “I didn’t force you to pick up,” he replied smoothly.

  “Well, you didn’t have to call.”

  “You’re right. I actually called your house, but your little friend answered and told me to call this number instead.”

  Amanda, you sneaky little thing.

  “Okay. What do you want then?” I asked with a big sigh and started walking. I had no desire to stand in the rain all night.

  “Are you going to the party this week?” he asked carefully.


  “You are?” he asked like he hadn’t been prepared for that answer. I would have reacted the same way.

  “I told you yes, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, you did. So, you’re coming to my house on Friday?” He was now acting smug.

  “Yes, so you better clean up your room because I have no desire to step on your dirty underwear.” I smirked, hanging up on him.

  Friday sure is going to get interesting.

  DAY 9


  “ARE YOU GOING to the party at the Jacobs’ tomorrow?” Jessica asked Lauren as they stood by Lauren’s locker across the hall from mine. They had probably not even noticed me.

  “Of course. It’s Collin’s party after all,” Lauren answered in a sing-song voice.

  No, it wasn’t. It was my brother who decided to have a party since our parents would be in Seattle for the weekend. I hadn’t even known about it until yesterday.

  “What I wouldn’t do to have him again,” Jessica said with a high-pitched giggle.

  Jessica had been a mistake and I had known that in the back of my head as I fucked her, but I hadn’t stopped. I regretted ever going near her.

  “Oh my God! At least you’ve had him! So, is he as good as everyone says?” Lauren asked excitedly.

  Who’s everyone?

  I had slept with three girls total, Jessica included. Angela, my ex-girlfriend who would rather eat the brown goo they served for lunch than go near Jessica. I also knew she wouldn’t talk about her sex-life. She was the quiet kind of girl.

  Then we had Tanya. She had been here over the summer last year and I hadn’t seen her since.

  I knew there were rumors about how many girls I had slept with, and girls who lied and said I had fucked them when in reality, I hadn’t.

  I fucking hate gossip.

  “Oh, yes. Definitely,” Jessica answered.

bsp; “I’m jealous. But I guess I can always try at the party,” Lauren said, shutting her locker.

  “I wouldn’t even bother, Lauren,” I answered, shutting my own locker and turned around to face them. Both their mouths were hanging open and their cheeks were red from embarrassment. “I have someone else in mind that I would much rather fuck than you.”

  “I…” she started, but I wasn’t finished. Like I said before, I fucking hated gossiping. Especially when the facts weren’t even correct.

  “And Jessica,” I started. “It might have felt good, but I sure as hell regret putting my dick in your pussy.”

  “Why are you so mean?” she whimpered, pouting.

  “Why do you talk about me like I’m a piece of meat to serve at your dinner table?” I asked back.

  That shut them both the fuck up and I turned to walk away just as I saw Bella standing by her locker further down the hall.


  I had wanted to talk to her ever since she told me to clean up my room yesterday. I hadn’t expected her to come to the party tomorrow, let alone planning on seeing my room, but the thought excited me.

  “Belly,” I said, leaning against the lockers beside hers, causing her to jump in surprise.

  “Collie-kins! You shouldn’t scare a girl like that!” she screamed, slapping me on my bicep.

  “And you shouldn’t hit innocent boys,” I said, rubbing the spot where she had hit me.

  “If I hit them, they’re not that innocent,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “Whatever. So, party tomorrow, huh?” I waggled my eyebrows.

  “Seems like it, yeah. I already have a date with Amanda, though, so don’t even bother asking.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t date,” I teased.

  “Amanda is kind of hard to say no to,” she said, shutting her locker.

  “But I’m not?” I pouted.

  “Nope.” She smirked.

  ”So, you just couldn’t stay away anyway, could you?” I asked seductively, trapping her between me and the lockers, putting my hands next to her head. She was going to my house tomorrow after all. With or without me as a date.

  I mean, yesterday she had basically told me that she would be in my room tomorrow. Otherwise she wouldn’t even be close to my underwear since I didn’t throw them on the living room floor.

  She was slowly, but surely, cracking. And so was I.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She gulped.

  “Think harder, baby,” I whispered in her ear before I pushed myself away from the lockers and walked away.

  For the first time since this whole shit started, I was the one leaving her speechless. It was a nice change.

  DAY 10


  SOMEHOW, BELLA MANAGED to look a hell of a lot sexier than the rest of the girls in the house as she walked in with that tiny little girl. Yet, she was only wearing a dark grey t-shirt and black jeans.

  Sexy as fuck.

  Maybe I’d had too much to drink.

  Yeah, that was probably it.

  I had already managed to drink three beers.

  Just as I was about to go to her, James got to her. I had no idea why that fucker was here, but then, almost half our class was here. I was within hearing distance and I was a curious bastard, so I listened.

  “If it isn’t little innocent Bella. You’re the last chick I expected to see here,” James said

  “Fuck off, James. No one wants your sorry ass here,” Bella snapped and I smiled.

  That’s my girl!

  She was pissed after that, chugging down beer after beer. I didn’t dare to approach her. At least not until she started playing strip poker and continued to lose. Seriously, that girl couldn’t have any idea of the definition poker face. You could read her like an open book.

  “Okay, Belly. I think you’ve had enough,” I told her, even though I was drunk as well. All I had been doing tonight was to drink beer and watch her.

  “Collie-kins!” she exclaimed happily. “I’ve been looking for you all over.”

  “I’m sure you have.” I chuckled and pulled her out to the dance floor after she had put her t-shirt and shoes back on. Lucky for her, she had worn a tank top under the shirt. Otherwise the boys would have gone crazy.

  And so would I.

  She might have been a happy drunk, but I was a horny drunk. I needed to rub off on her even if it was just for three minutes.

  Fuck, I’m such a perv.

  She threw her arms around my neck and my hands ended up on her hips, but they were slowly making their way to her ass as the music went on.

  I wanted to kiss her.

  So I did.

  I bent down to her plump lips and pressed mine to hers. They were soft… and eager. She wasted no time responding.

  “I’ve wanted you since yesterday.” She breathed against my lips, tugging at the hair in the nape of my neck.

  So, my tactics yesterday had worked after all.

  “Then let’s go,” I mumbled, grabbing her ass to lift her up.

  She got the hint and wrapped her legs around my waist, starting to kiss me again. This time, her tongue was involved, exploring my mouth with confidence.

  It was fucking hard to walk while carrying her and I kept bumping into people on the dance floor. Bella didn’t seem to mind, though, as she kept kissing me with force. I loved every fucking seconds of it.

  So did my hands that were placed on her ass.

  “Aww, my little Collie-kins cleaned up his room for me,” Bella mused as I put her down on my bed before walking over to my door to look it. I didn’t want any uninvited guests in here right now.

  “All for you, baby.” I smirked, walking over to her and crawled on top of her.

  I started kissing her again and she kissed me back. We might have gone a little too fast in the direction we were heading, but she never stopped me and I didn’t want her to.

  Clothes were strewn all over my bedroom floor and in my drunken state, I couldn’t give a fuck where anything ended up as long as I got Bella naked.

  Which I did.

  Her panties were still on for some god awful reason, but looking down at her spread out on my bed… it took my breath away. Before I could overthink things, or worse, before she started to overthink this whole thing, I went back to kissing her.

  I kissed my way down her neck, making sure to mark her, because dammit, she was mine now and I wanted everyone to know it.

  “Collin,” she moaned as I made it down to her perky tits.

  “What do you want, baby?” I whispered against her warm skin.

  “I can’t take it any longer.”

  She sounded needy, almost as if she was in pain, and fuck me, if that didn’t make me feel good.

  “You want me to touch you here?” I placed my hand over her panties and I could feel how wet she was already. I knew damn well what she wanted, but I liked seeing her like this.

  “Stop teasing me,” she pleaded and went to work at taking off the tiny scrap of material separating me from her pussy.

  I just about lost my load as I stared at her completely naked in front of me. Her practically bald pussy was screaming my name and I couldn’t wait to touch her. Instead of diving right in, I went in slowly by kissing her again, letting my fingers drift down her body. I wanted to memorize and explore every inch of her, but there was a sense of urgency in the air tonight.

  My fingers finally found their goal, wet and begging to be touched. The closer they got to her entrance, the hungrier her kisses got. I gave back just as good as she did and bit down on her lower lip just as I slipped a finger inside her.

  So tight.

  So amazing.

  So mine.

  “More, Collin,” she urged and I slowly added a second finger. I could feel her tense up for a second before she started squirming underneath me.

  “You feel so fucking good, I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  She moaned in my ear and
gripped my hand that was between her legs as if she wanted to take control of the situation.

  Not gonna happen, sweetheart.


  I swallowed her pleading by kissing her. It might have started out gentle, but she quickly took control of my mouth, exploring it with her tongue. Her hips started moving as she grew more and more frustrated with the pace I had set. The sight of her riding my hand almost made me give in.


  I could feel her getting closer as I put my thumb on her clit and she tore away from my mouth to let out a long moan.

  Fuck, she’s sexy.

  Her walls closed in on my fingers as she came hard and I kept thrusting them slowly in and out as she came down from her high.

  “Wow,” she mumbled and hid her face behind her palms.

  “Hey, don’t hide from me.” I grabbed a hold of her hands with my free one. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “Oh, I know. I just wanted to bask in the amazingness from that orgasm a little while longer.”

  This girl.

  “There are plenty more of those where that one came from,” I promised and kissed her before I pulled my fingers out of her.

  I sucked her juices off my fingers and I wished I had gone down on her, but judging by the look on her face as she watched me, I was out of time this time around.

  Next time.

  Because there would be a next time. I would make sure of it.

  “Condom?” she asked and I was relieved that at least one of us was clear-minded enough to remember one.

  “Right.” I got off her long enough to reach into my nightstand for the stash of condoms I knew would be in there. I didn’t have the time to think about the fact that there were only two left before I quickly tore it open so that I could protect us. “You ready?”

  She grabbed my face in her palms and looked me in the eyes. I had no idea what her brown eyes saw in mine, but whatever she was looking for, she got it because she gave me a nod and pulled my mouth down to hers.

  I blindly lined myself up with her pussy and pushed inside her, inch by inch. I could feel her tense up slightly, but she never once told me to stop.